
ummm so i went to the gym.

okay, so, we went to the gym and it was time to move on to strength training today. i did 30 minutes warming up on the treadmill and then i did three sets of fifteen reps on a few machines... i started with the abs, then the biceps, then the shoulders and so on and so forth... however. i liked to have died after fifteen minutes, so, i hauled my sweaty butt out of there and came home! i think that was sufficient for the first day of strength training. tomorrow, we'll move on to legs.

i took a coooold shower and it was amazing. washed my haaair, put on some comfy pjs and turned on the food network. ironic? nahh..

i promise that tomorrow i'll have a worthwhile post, guys. it's just been a very fleeting day and i haven't wanted to sit down and think, ya know?


PS - go read my bff, lauren's blog!

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